The Bard Health and Wellness Education Department coordinates diverse opportunities for students to succeed, increase their health, and achieve balance while being in college and beyond. We strive to provide students with the opportunity to reflect and grow from life’s challenges by tapping into their inner guidance. Wellness Education offers resources, education, support, and information to help students be resilient and create their best life.
Resources for Peace and Conflict
The Wellness Committee
The Wellness Committee is made up of students, athletes, health educators, medical providers, and social workers whose goal is to create programs and events that benefit the Bard College community. The Wellness Committee represents the following programs and offices: Athletics and Recreation | Bard EATS | Bard’s Higher Educational Opportunity Program | Bard Office of Sustainability | BRAVE | Career Development Office | Center for Civic Engagement | Dean of Student Affairs Office | Office of Student Activities | Student Counseling Services | Student Health Service
Happiness Calendar
This Month, Look for Reasons to Be Hopeful